Back in 2013, prior to the release of Call of Duty: Ghosts, a beta for the game featured a slightly-altered version of the Mil-Spec Monkey logo as an in-game player customization icon.
Needless to say, this was not an authorized use of that copyrighted material. And, it looks like Activision and Infinity Ward are at it again:
This is a loading screen for the upcoming Call of Duty: Modern Warfare.
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And this is promotional imagery for BCM and BPRE. Strikingly similar, aren’t they?
For the curious, this image was featured in promotional materials for BCM’s line of .300 Blackout carbines, among other uses.
Not to excuse the use of this imagery, but it’s worth mentioning that the new Modern Warfare is currently in a pre-release state, and it’s possible that this is being used as placeholder art until the game launches later this year. Still, you’d figure that a big corporation like Activision would be a bit more cautious when it comes to potential intellectual property violations for their multi-billion dollar franchise.
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